Tuesday, September 29, 2015

TIFF DP 30 Sneak Peek - The Danish Girl interview

Eddie Redmayne talks about some of the choices he made in his transformation into The Danish Girl at TIFF. 
This clip comes from Ovation TV's Celebrity Conversations with David Poland. 
Shot at The Toronto International Film Festival, September 2015


 My screencaptures and gifs from the video uploaded by DP/30: The Oral History Of Hollywood

Sunday, September 27, 2015

War Art with Eddie Redmayne - Tonight on ITV from 11:20pm

Perspectives: War Art with Eddie Redmayne
Today on ITV from 11:20pm to 12:20am

Oscar winner's theory of war, art and everything (pdf)
The Henley Standard heralding an upcoming screening of WAR ART with Eddie Redmayne at the Regal Picturehouse in Henley-on-Thames. This will be followed by a special Q & A session with director Margy Kinmonth.
We have a date now!

Poster for the documentary
WAR ARTby Charles Saumarez Smith
We went to a preview of a television film that Margy Kinmonth has made with Eddie Redmayne on the impact of the first world war on art. He comes across incredibly well – knowledgeable and unself-important, with an interest in the subject based on reading art history at Cambridge. The Royal Academy appears because of […]
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Eddie Redmayne performs the specially composed theme tune by Finn Keane (x)

Selfie with Andy Gotts photographer and fan encounters in London this Saturday

The first new photo showed up on the web today was a new selfie with a photographer Andy Gotts. According to his tweet he had a great little shot with Eddie today. Can't wait the pictures

Andy Gotts: Great little shoot with this charming man Eddie Redmayne - really sweet guy. (x)

He tweeted on Friday:

Many people saw Eddie Redmayne and his wife Yesterday:

God damn shannon was in a lift with Eddie redmayne God damn god damn
— lauren (@lauren_firth) September 26, 2015
Still can't believe I was in a lift with eddie redmayne. I had no idea at first.
— Shannon Eades (@ShannonEades) September 26, 2015

The one day we decide not to go out with the guys and they meet
Eddie Redmayne on the tube. How is that fair
— lotti (@lottigrace) September 26, 2015

carolcampf (x): Feliz por ter saído de casa hoje ( I’m glad I left home today)

Apple Music Festival Pharell Williams concert? Yes!
Katie tweeted earlier, that she goes there.

During an interview with Oprah, Pharrell Williams was overcome with 
emotion while talking about the success of the most downloaded track 
of all time 'Happy'. It's a moment which, Redmayne tells GQ, made him 
cry too. “He cried, and I cried... That song genuinely makes me smile, 
which I think is its purpose.” (x)

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Portrait in the making - artwork by Amy Clemens

The wonderful finished pencil portrait by an Australian graphic designer Amy Clemens (x)
Amy congratulated to Eddie on his Oscar for his portrayal of Stephen Hawking. 

She documented the making of the portrait on Instagram and tumblr.

amyclemens12: Guess who? Hint: he's been in a movie released recently. And he is British.(x)
We are only at the beginning of the process, but Eddie is already recognizable.

Work in progress, Eddie Redmayne. (x)
I like this phase the best. The beautiful face is already done and
the other parts of the drawing not distract you in admiring it.

Work in process (x)

 amyclemens12 (x): I've been a fan of Eddie Redmayne's for a while and when I saw
The Theory of Everything a few weeks ago, I knew I had to draw him. His performance
as Stephen Hawking was incredibly moving and inspiring. What a talent.

quartzion-thecrystal-queen asked: Do you use photographs from online for reference? 
Answer: Yes, most of the time I use one reference image or a range of images. If I am creating something original 
I often use parts of many images to create something new.

P.S.: This is not new, but I like it so much, I thought it worth posting. I think the only reason that I didn't posted when she made the pic, that it was in the middle of the awards season and so many things happenned that time. Her work based on a photo from the sesion by Rainer Hosch for Venice Magazine (2010)

You find more beautiful works in the related posts on tumblr 

Two more portraits

gacelline (x): Bae - graphite drawing by an art student Celline Mercado
I haven’t done graphite portraits in forever! This one is an exercise for my Drawing class. 
Eddie Redmayne is life. (x)

 Another new portrait from Twitter (x) - published today

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Newt Scamander (from a Fanmade video) - Eddie about the project at TIFF - Pottermore site

There was a nice fanmade video on Youtube by mikaelson, it's a pity that it's no longer available.
My screenshots and gifs from the video are below.

"Like many people, I read those books, I watched those films, and became completely intoxicated by 
J.K. Rowling’s world. The idea of getting to tiptoe into it felt truly exciting. I hope it’s going to be quite 
a ride." (EW) via

“Ooooooooh, Beasts. I want to disclose everything but I literally cannot tell you anything. All I can say is that I’m having the most wonderful time and J.K Rowling has written something utterly wonderful.” 
So far Redmayne’s only met her once and, yep, she’s wonderful: 
“We only had an hour before she was going away and we just talked character quite intensively. Her knowledge of my character’s backstory and the intricacies of it all were really inspiring.” 
The actor did admit that he has some youthful zeal in working in this magical world, though like when he starred in the Les Miserables movie, it’s a complicated thing when it’s a project that means a lot to you: 
“I had been to see Les Mis when I was a kid and I wanted to be Gavroche, and my parents were like, ‘You must have had so much fun making Les Mis!’ You know what, when you care about something so much when you’re doing it, you’re always trying to do it better. You’ve only got that day and when the camera’s rolling, and that scene’s done. So your mind’s always going: ‘How do I do it better, how do I do it better…’ And as a consequence, enjoyment is another question. I’m definitely having fun, but the thing with J.K. Rowling is I loved those books and I loved those films, and 
now there’s the sense of I don’t want to be the guy who lets everybody down.” (USA Today) via

"Eddie Redmayne … The Oscar-winning, OBE-having, BAFTA-holding British actor who can sing like 
an angel and make freckles look like moondust scattered across his face by the Gods." (Pottermore) via

Updated on 15 June 2016

Monday, September 21, 2015

Alex Forbes - Like Minds captures

“I was playing this psychopath opposite Toni Collette, and we were doing this Silence of the Lambs scene... After an hour, she said, ‘Come and watch the playback.’ And thank God she did! My eyebrows were up to here, and I was projecting to the back of the room. Suddenly I realized why I’d never gotten a film job before.” That kind of realization would be enough to scare some, but for Redmayne it gave him the confidence to keep perfecting his skills. 
“It’s helped my stage acting, too. People can see closer than you think,” (x)

Eddie Redmayne as Alex Forbes in 'Like Minds'
my screencaptures from a new fanmade videoclip

This was Eddie's first film ten years before The Danish Girl, the filming started at the end of 2004
- He couldn't pick up his ESTA Award on 13 December 2004 , because he was in Australia.