Sunday, January 24, 2021

Variety's Actors on Actors with Jamie Dornan and Eddie Redmayne

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Jamie Dornan and Eddie Redmayne sat down for a virtual chat
for Variety‘s Actors on Actors, presented by Amazon Studios.

Jamie Dornan and Eddie Redmayne Look Back on Audition
Nightmare Stories When They Used to Be Roommates
Variety article by By Ramin Setoodeh

Variety's printed Actors on Actors issue is on newsstands now.
Magazine scans and more in the related Tumblr posts here

Eddie on being cast in The Trial Of The Chicago 7: "It was genuinely
one of those moments when the script arrived that it sort of felt
too good to be true. And I kind of said yes before reading the thing."

"There’s a sort of sadness, I found, when the words are that good.
There was a slight desperation that, when the words are that good,
they can be heaved around. They can be played in a thousand
different ways ...
I found this very unique feeling on “Chicago 7,” going home at
night. “Oh, I don’t get to say those again.” And the weird thing
with jobs, you find that years later, occasionally, walking down
the street, and the odd line from something will have remained.
It tends to be something that gave you joy in the playing of it."


Eddie and Jamie were photographed by Zoe McConnell.
Photos from the photographer's Instagram

@jetstudios: We LOVE this shot of Eddie Redmayne
taken in Studio 1 a few months ago
@zoemcconnell smashing it as always 🔥.

(I think the photos were taken in November 2020.)

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