Sunday, November 27, 2022

Evil embodied - Eddie's chilling performance

Jessica Chastain, Amy Loughren, and Tobias Lindholm praise Eddie and his performance,
and Eddie talks about his approach to the character.

"Well, I approach any character just to start by reading literally any source, then it was about
footage, it was about as much footage as I could get my hands on. The physical element
was important to me. Charlie did self-soothe a lot, that was you know touching himself,
touching his hair or clothes. He was described as looking like a question mark..."

“I had that feeling when I read the script of, ‘Can I play this person without the why?’ But then
I kind of thought on that and ultimately realized that the why and knowing the why is our need
“As in, if we answered why Charlie Cullen did this, then we would be able to other him and go,
‘Oh, he did it for this reason, and that’s monstrous and we would never do that, so we’re safe.’
Whereas actually, that’s not how the world works and that’s not what he did.”
“How this guy was ever allowed near vulnerable people is one of the shocking questions.
But it also meant that as an actor, I had all of that research there.”

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