Monday, November 29, 2021

Outtakes from the British Vogue photoshoot by Autumn de Wilde

Autumn de Wilde posted on Instagram some beautiful outtakes from her photoshoot






The photographer wrote in her caption: @autumndewilde: Outtake from
my recent photoshoot with the electric Mr. Eddie Redmayne for
@voguemagazine //So excited to see him and Jessie Buckley in the London
production of Cabaret this week // #eddieredmayne was styled by
@amandaharlech // set design by @stellafoxdesign // hair by @keiterada
// makeup by @andrewdentonmakeup // produced by @imagepartnership
// lighting design by @michel_bewley // lights by @hudson.spider //
🖤 special thanks to @rosalindfairman for the use of your gorgeous home

Update: One more beautiful outtake with Cabaret review from the photographer

@autumndewilde posted: "I SAW CABARET LAST NIGHT at the Playhouse Theatre.
I arrived half dead having finally recovered from a cold but my soul was transported
from my feeble body and entirely possessed for the night. Eddie Redmayne lit the stars
in the sky with his performance as Emcee and Jessie Buckley ripped through my heart
with her Sally Bowles. Wow. I’m still haunted by both of their incredible voices even
this morning. Eddie stuns in every song but “Tomorrow belongs to me” left me with
my mouth wide open drinking tragedy by candlelight. Jessie’s “Maybe This Time”
and “Cabaret” brought me to tears and electrified me entirely. Congratulations to the
entire cast and crew. The costumes and set design were incredible by @tomscuttdesign
and the transformation of @playhousetheatrelondon into the Kit Kat Club was a visual
feast. Bravo to director Rebecca Frecknall. What a night. Thank you. #jessiebuckley
// Outtake from my recent photoshoot with Mr. Eddie Redmayne
for @voguemagazine styled by @amandaharlech 🖤"

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The Sunday Times interview with photos by Jason Hetherington

Jessie Buckley and Eddie Redmayne photographed by Jason Hetherington
for The Sunday Times November 21, 2021 issue


Interview by Kirsty Lang

The actor has dreamt for years of bringing the Kit Kat Club to the stage —
he talks latex, tights and first night nerves with co-star Jessie Buckley

'Eddie Redmayne has a dilemma. His children, aged three and five, are desperate
to come and see him on stage in a new production of Cabaret. He has been playing
the music nonstop at home and they’ve even learnt the moves to the song Money
Makes the World Go Round. “They enjoyed Frozen, so they think it’s going to be
like that,” he says, chuckling “Their favourite number is Don’t Tell Mama, but they
have no idea what it’s about.” The jaunty tunes belie the fact Cabaret is probably
one of the darkest musicals ever written. Set in Weimar Germany as the Nazis
begin their ascent to power, there’s violence, antisemitism and the leading lady,
Sally Bowles —who can’t tell her Mama...'

Aged 17 he was cast as the Emcee in a school production at Eton that was later
taken to the Edinburgh Fringe. He remembers “running up the Royal Mile in
latex and tights handing out leaflets for the show”.

How does Redmayne see his character, the mercurial Emcee?
“I see him as a survivor who can shape-shift himself out of every situation.”

The script of Cabaret doesn’t put a label on the Emcee, but the character is often
played by LGBT actors, so Redmayne’s casting has come in for criticism.

“Of all the characters I’ve ever read, this one defies pigeonholing. I would ask
people to come and see it before casting judgment,” he says firmly.

This is a sensitive conversation for Redmayne. He came in for considerable
flak for his Oscar-nominated role in The Danish Girl, based on the true story
of the first person to undergo gender reassignment surgery.

His critics believed the role should be played by a trans actor.
Would he take it if he was offered it today?
“No, I wouldn’t take it on now. I made that film with the best intentions,
but I think it was a mistake.”
“The bigger discussion about the frustrations around casting is because
many people don’t have a chair at the table. There must be a levelling,
otherwise we are going to carry on having these debates.”

Jessie Buckley, who will be playing Sally Bowles, adds:
“This is the most diverse company I have ever worked in.”

“On the first day everyone introduced themselves and said their pronouns,
he, she, they . . . and it was lovely to be part of that conversation.
Our Kit Kat Club welcomes everyone, whoever you are.”...

November 21, 2021 issue

BTS of the photoshoot posted by JamieDaniels on Instagram
Eddie is wearing their imperial blue Piccadilly suit trousers.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

I was wellcomed in the Kit Kat Club

 More than two years have passed since I traveled to London for the first time and had
a wonderful time with my friends at The Aeronauts premiere. I set off again last week
to visit the Kit Kat Club, where Eddie Redmayne is playing the Emcee in Cabaret.

I had a ticket for Friday (19 November). Before we entered the Playhouse Theatre
through the stage door, we were asked not to spoil the experience for people who will
go to see the show later, not to take photos and videos inside. We got a sticker for our
phone camera. The place has a special club atmosphere. We were welcomed with
a pre-show and a drink.  The production design, the choreography, and the costumes
are amazing. There are no bad seats, the actors change their direction often, so you
feel, that their performance is at least as much for you as it is for the guests sitting
on the other side of the stage. My seat was in the stalls, not far from the round stage
in the middle, and one of the passages where the actors (including Eddie) walked
past a few times when they went backstage. He looked at me once, but I'm afraid
he didn't recognize me. We met only twice shortly and I no longer dye my hair,
I switched to my natural white hair color.

The brochure's poster and the badge we got in the theatre 

This was the best theatre show I have ever seen. 
Eddie was excellent in the role of the Emcee. It's incredible how he can
transform into the character he plays. I was blown away. This was very
different from his other roles. Maybe that's why he wanted to play it
again so badly. The shift of character towards the end was especially
interesting. The physicality of his performance was amazing. He was
very modest about his dancing skills in previous interviews, and
maybe he's not the best dancer in the room, but he can dance.
   .          ..          ... 

Brochure scans

Group photo of Eddie and the cast in the rehearsal room posted by Christopher Tendai (via)

Photos from the rehearsals via Cabaret at Kit Kat Cub on Facebook

The rest of the cast was wonderful too. The most memorable performances for me
were Jessie Buckley (Sally Bowles) and Liza Sadovy (Fraulein Schneider).


Thanks to Chrissie (Fb)(IG) who posted some new photos taken on Saturday. Eddie had known
Tracy and Chrissie were there, so he had come out to say hi and have a chat. They are fans
for more than ten years and attended several events. Eddie knows and really likes them. 

Eddie doesn't do stage door. Don’t expect him to stop for signing and selfies
before or after the play. Please be respectful if he says he can’t. It’s not because
he doesn’t want to, the theatre company just doesn’t want him to due to Covid.
Unfortunately, I couldn't meet him this time either.

P.S.: On my way home I stopped in Budapest at the 'Művész Kávéház' (Artist's Café)
with a new selfie taken there. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Opening night of Cabaret with huge standing ovation

The first photo of Eddie in costume as the Emcee.

"We’ve never heard a more raucous standing ovation like it in many decades of theatregoing..." 

Photos by Marc Brenner - he posted on Twitter yesterday:
".Wilkommen to #Cabaret which begins previewing tonight! The first three teaser
images of mine are out. And they really are teasers - the visual surprises you
have in store should not be spoilt! What a thrill to shoot it..."

More reactions from Twitter:

James Lee @jamessflee: "A very special evening watching the opening night
of Cabaret - Jessie Buckley and Eddie Redmayne lead the cast in a powerful,
moving demonstration of the vital importance of theatre, and of theatres."

Sophie Waghorn @Sophwag. "Well @kitkatclubLDN is incredible! The moment you
enter you are transported to the KitKat club in Berlin in 1929. The cast are amazing, 
#EddieRedmayne fully embodies Emcee, he’s a completely unrecognisable and
he steals the show. I loved watching him perform. Also he’s COSTUMES😍"
"I would bet anything that @kitkatclubLDN will win a few @OlivierAwards  and
will be transferred to Broadway with #EddieRedmayne and #JessieBuckley."

Jessie Buckley and Omari Douglas as Sally and Cliff

"I don't want to spoil anything... but @kitkatclubLDN is beyond anything I could
have ever imagined. Ferocious, sexy, ugly, angry, beautiful. GET A TICKET."
"Jessie Buckley gave the performance of her life tonight. I have never seen anything
like it. Her choices were so REAL. She showed the complete UGLINESS of Sally
Bowles and made us care for it. My god. I am in utter awe."
"and Eddie Redmayne creates this constantly evolving and controlling clown
that morphs and shifts as the story goes so beautifully.
He's part of the furniture whilst also being master conductor. It's magic"
"The entire company are just magnificent. I'm going to stop tweeting now.
But you will only regret not seeing this show. So do what you can to get a ticket
(I was in the upper circle and the view was unreal btw!) Just... WOW."

Olly Christopher @OllyChris: "Just seen first preview of 
@kitkatclubLDN and it is EVERYTHING. Beautiful and ugly in equal measures.
Performances of a lifetime. Such an event"
"I’m in awe of Eddie Redmayne. His performance is out of this world.
And complete chills at Jessie Buckley’s Cabaret. Oh my"

To Do List @ToDoListLDN: "Wow this raw Mahoghany clad Cabaret at Kit Kat Club
is such a breath of fresh air…"
"Jessie Buckley (Wild Rose) killed it as Sally Bowles making my spine tingle with her
gutsy, apocalyptic and soulful renditions of ‘life is a cabaret’ and ‘maybe this time’. 
Eddie Redmayne is beautifully weird as Emcee."

"Eddie Redmayne is a simply outstanding, astounding Emcee – from his
very first appearance, he holds the attention like the brightest star in the sky,
and his commitment to the role is breathtaking."

Eddie with some cast members in this group photo posted by Christopher Tendai (via)

Fan encounters near the Playhouse Theatre this weekend (2021-11-13)

 Ines @i.n.e.s77 posted on Instagram (translated from German): What could be nicer
on a perfect day in London to spontaneously see Eddie Redmayne. Shortly before
we went to the airport, we passed the theater where the play Cabaret's playing with
him on Monday. There was a bit of hustle and bustle at the theater, people were going
in and out of the stage door, chairs were being brought in, decorative work was being
done at the entrance. There was rehearsal, you could hear a woman singing. Secretly
we hoped to see Eddie and yes we were lucky 😊 He was super relaxed and really nice.
I was really excited and suddenly I didn't know how to use the flash on the camera😂.

Marcel @izmemarcel posted: "Yesterday we met Eddie Redmayne. Had spontaneously
hoped that he would rehearse on the day because his play doesn't start until 2 days later.
When we had to make our way to the airport, we were still lucky. He was very friendly
and relaxed, it was only me and my friend @ i.n.e.s77 there. We're trying to fly to
London again in the near future to see #eddieredmayne on stage."

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Photos from the rehearsals of Cabaret


Ahead of performances starting for CABARET at the KIT KAT CLUB on Monday 15 November,
shots of the show in rehearsals have been released.

Now we move into the #KitKatClub.
Doors open 15 Nov.
Photos by Marc Brenner

I will travel to London to see the show.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Belfast special screening hosted by Eddie

Eddie Redmayne hosted a special screening and cocktail reception for
 'Belfast' at Odeon Luxe West End on October 28, 2021, in London. 
The movie starring Eddie's friend Jamie Dornan and is directed by
Kenneth Branagh, Eddie's co-star in My Week with Marilyn.

Eddie's schoolmate Tom Hiddleston also attended as a guest. (x)

Photos by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Focus Features.

Sir Kenneth Branagh, Caitriona Balfe, Jude Hill, Jamie Dornan, Ciaran Hinds
from the cast of the movie via (via)