Remember this fitting session with Eddie Redmayne?
Well, it turned out quite nicely for the cover of Variety for
their awards season launch. Yes, very nicely. (x)
And then of course, we have Chapter Four. This black hole at the beginning of time. Space-time singularity.
...“What’s really interesting about Eddie is that what turns him on are really tough, tricky roles,” says Working Title co-chair Eric Fellner. “But he’s an incredibly good-looking man. So he can be a movie star too.” Redmayne won’t classify himself that way. “A movie star is someone who has to open a film to gazillions of dollars,” says the actor, who lives in London with his fiancee Hannah Bagshawe. “I’m just trying to pay my mortgage.”...
...Kristen Stewart, who co-starred with Redmayne in the 2008 indie “The Yellow Handkerchief,” says he thrives on taking risks. “We had a great time together,” Stewart says. “This is not a word I use a lot, but it describes him perfectly. He is a fucking lovely man. And he’s astounding as an actor. He’s the type of actor, and guy, you want to go on an adventure with.”...
LA Times The Envelope Screening Series at ArcLight Sherman Oaks on Monday
emotional, beautiful, honest and genuine - #Mondaynight #movie #screenings #LAtimestheEnvelope #thetheoryofeverything #felicityjones #eddieredmayne #sogood #best way to start the week!! #thankyou

jmiranda181: Gah, this man is so talented! I can't even wink my right eye and somehow he has managed to perfectly portray Stephen Hawking in #TheTheoryofEverything #EddieRedmayne #ilovenerds #cosmology #singularity #bigbang
The Film Experience:
Does Eddie Redmayne in "Theory of Everything" = Daniel Day Lewis in "My Left Foot"?
...But, jumping ahead... who will win?
On twitter today I was briefly discussing this with
Kris &
Jenelle and found them both sympathetic to my notion that
Redmayne has a rather underdiscussed but considerable advantage in that he is enormously charming in person. When races are tight, charm counts for a lot. I've seen him in public thrice, met him once, and this charm is highly visible. What's more his charm never tilts toward cockiness but toward genuine-feeling humility. That's quite a trick if you stop to think about how actors build successful careers...
Enormous self-confidence is a key ingredient in big careers. The
humility is also a very good trick if you're a young male actor in a town that prefers their male actors to be firmly established before they're worthy of large honors. Too cocky and people think 'you haven't earned it yet, upstart!'
I'm currently of the belief that Eddie Redmayne will win though I know a lot of people, like
Daniel who I also spoke with on twitter today, think this is crazy and that he's too young and underfamous for Oscar's Kind of Hollywood annual prize. Daniel's contention, which I'm sure is shared by many, is that Daniel Day Lewis -- the most common reference point for a Redmayne win since DDL was Redmayne's same age and also played a severely disabled man who made impressive contributions to the world -- was considerably more acclaimed and famous then than Redmayne is now when he won.
I'm hear to argue, as someone who lived through the rise of DDL and was there from the ground floor, that this is not really the case...
Read more here
...the similarities in the careers to date are kind of spooky- crazy...
As Eddie Redmayne downs his tea I notice three girls standing by a tower of funghi, surreptitiously trying to take his photograph. “Whatever Eddie’s got, that’s what you spend your life looking for,” says his agent Dallas Smith, who saw him in Twelfth Night and signed him on the spot. “He had a unique presence, even completely untrained, the sort of magnetism that only great actors have. The fact he had gone to Eton and Cambridge was meaningless. He had the most astonishing natural acting ability. You can’t teach that.”
Tom Hooper, who directed Redmayne in Les Misérables, concurs. “Eddie has the most prodigious gift, and it’s got to a point where his talent transcends the whole discussion,” he says. “There are plenty of people who went to Eton. There is only one actor like him.”
Redmayne, who is about to appear as Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything, is in many ways an unlikely actor. “I’ve no idea where any of it comes from,” Michael Grandage says.
“I’m not sure he does. Ask him!”...
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Eddie Redmayne’s Portrayal of Stephen Hawking in ‘The Theory of Everything’
...Redmayne studied with a dancer for four months to understand how his body worked. Hawking has a motor neuron disease which confines him to a wheelchair. Redmayne admitted that “trying to teach your body to do things it’s not used to doing; it’s a bit like training for a marathon.”
That tedious time period required him to study his body in an unusual way. He said, “I ended up literally doing a chart of every muscle that was going and where the voice was, things like whether he was on one stick, two sticks, which chair he was in, what glasses he was wearing, so I would have a way to jump in and out.”...