Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Eddie's first scene in The Crimes of Grindelwald

Newt's first appearance in the movie composed similarly to the first one.
He was on a boat then, now on a bench in the Ministry of Magic waiting.

gifs by

Pickett is back

It's the audience's first time seeing Leta Lestrange, and director David Yates
had Eddie and Zoë Kravitz look into camera to give the impression that they're
looking at each other. "We’re meant to be showing this whole history of a
relationship, staring straight down the barrel of a lens," Eddie told BuzzFeed.
"I found it really hard. We had to do about 900 takes."

Eddie Redmayne, Zoe Kravitz and David Yates director on the set.

My gif from the e-talk bts video

Why do strange creatures love you so much?
...there are no strange creatures ... only blinkered people

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“-Laughing– When we see Newt for the first time, he is surrounded by bureaucracy,
the least comfortable place for him, and he does not feel right in his environment.
Colleen, the costume designer, thought to give him a tie or bow tie and a new outfit.
 But whist acting with this new outfit, it seemed like he was a totally different person
and we said, “Oh no no no, back to the comfort zone”. We tried to see if it was possible,
to change his silhouette, with different colours. So, we changed the costume, but it’s
a more modified version.” Eddie Redmayne quote via scamander-at-heart.tumblr


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