Thursday, November 16, 2017

Harry Potter exhibit event in support of Lumos

Eddie Redmayne and Ezra Miller attended a LUMOS event at the British Library 
tonight. Celebrating 20 years since the publication of The Philosopher’s Stone. 
‘Harry Potter: A History of Magic’ (opens 20th Nov - 28th Feb) is an exhibition 
featuring books, manuscripts & magical objects! (x) - more

While attending a special event on Thursday evening to promote J.K. Rowling's 
charity Lumos at The British Library, home of the Harry Potter: A History of 
Magic anniversary exhibit, SnitchSeeker got the chance to quickly talk to 
Fantastic Beasts film series stars Ezra Miller and Eddie Redmayne about the 
title of the sequel, out next year. 
SnitchSeeker: So I've just told Ezra the title of the movie, and the picture. 
What did you think? - Ezra Miller: I really liked it, and I just want to take this 
opportunity to thank you, Milo, for being the one, somehow, to reveal the title 
of the film that I'm currently making, to me. This is a great moment. 
...Redmayne, who was also on hand at the Lumos event, ...did quickly tell 
our team that he was told the name of the sequel yesterday, and was pretty 
excited when it was revealed to him. (

To find out more and donate to Lumos, please visit:

 More photos with fans from The British Library event - source IG (1) (2)

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